While copying a bunch of files from one location to another, Windows provides a handy "Yes To All" option to overwrite all files without prompting for each , but there exist no "No To All" option allowing copying of only the files that don’t already exist there, you will have to manually press “No” for every file to skip overwriting.
HACK==> Holding SHIFT and clicking the No button will act as "No To All" functionality and windows will not overwrite any file and won't bother you asking for each file.
Proud to be an Indian
Sorry friends it has a been long gap i came up with post
Will drop in details some day
as of now
Wishing you all a
"There i...
15 years ago
well how come i had ner known of all these things before..ner bothered to ask u even
may b u underestimated me b4 ... :D